No shortage of shops and restaurants
Lots of Halloween / Fall decorations
I liked the skeletons
Hand-carved wooden rocking chairs
Art in Public Places
This was cute; I would have bought if if my house didn't already have enough clutter!
Fall is here!
Beautiful fall colors!
I was standing in the downtown area and this guy walks by with this gorgeous pitbull dog. The dog was SO well-trained, I was amazed. I watched the guy for a while then commented on his dog. The dog was his girlfriend's dog and both of them are professional dog trainers. The dog was SO sweet and gentle when I went over to pet him. When the guy would give the dog a command, the dog would do it, then look up at him waiting for the next command. He wasn't using any force on the dog (that I could see), he was just giving him commands. Pitbulls get a bad rap sometimes, but this one was an example of what wonderful dogs they can be. The guy was super-nice and I wanted the dog to come home with me!